Austin Strehlow was raised in the Bay Area, California and was involved in a variety of activities since he was young including sports, Boy Scouts, and a healthy dose of physical labor. He grew up learning how to use tools and build things by hand from his dad while doing house projects, helping others from Boy Scouts, and even doing his own Eagle Scout project by the age of 13. These and other experiences he gained during high school led him towards becoming an engineer. However, it wasn’t until after he decided to attend the University of Arizona that he understood his passion was actually that of an Architect who wanted to design.
From 2017 to 2022 he learned about what it means to be and think like an architect in pursuit of a Bachelor's degree. His greatest experience during this time was in his last two years where he and a few other students designed and handbuilt two homes for the University that would be used to house future professors and foreign exchange students. This project provided Austin with strong insight into the residential side of architecture and after graduating from University of Arizona in 2022 he moved out to the DFW metroplex where he came across SHM.
He was drawn to SHM and liked what I saw in the projects, people, and core values of the place. His decision to join the company was during his interview with Derek and Philip where Austin truly felt some kind of revelation that he was meant to be here. How we design, the methods used, the core values, the kind and welcoming people, all of it was clear to him that this is where he should be and anywhere else would’ve just been a placeholder.
In his free time, Austin enjoys hanging out with friends and family and aims to get back into playing rugby.